Welcome to the home of SE:20, The Immortal Wars, Simple 10, and more!
The Sundered Epoch: is dedicated to producing roleplaying games and aids for a variety of games on the market. While our primary focus is on our products, we support all forms of tabletop gaming including roleplaying games, tabletop strategy games, card games, board games, and more. We are fans first.
SE:20The Sundered Epoch: d20 RPG System (SE:20) is our premier universal roleplaying game designed to emulate the Action Hero style of fiction. It is a classless, skill-based system that uses a familiar but unique d20 skill resolution. |
Immortal WarsIn a future world where the gods have awakened, wars have erupted around the world. The Immortal Wars is a tabletop strategy game designed to allow you to create units for any miniature, monster, or toy you own and wage war. |
Simple 10The Simple 10 system is a unique d10 based system designed for highly cinematic games. |
RPS SystemUsing the Rock-Paper-Scissors method, the RPS System is a super-light, highly cinematic RPG designed to allow you to play with minimal effort and materials. |