
The Sundered Epoch: d20 RPG System, or SE:20, is a role-playing game designed for the “action hero” style of fiction. It is a universal system and can be used in any timeline or setting.

System Reference Documents:


The SRD is provided as a free document. While it includes all the basic rules needed to play the game, it is the raw, basic rules with minimal detail and information. The default setting is designed for a modern setting, but can easily be adapted to a medieval setting.

SE:20 Core Rules (PDF) (free)

This SRD is free and contains all the basic rules needed to play.

Character Sheets (PDF) (free)

This document includes the Character Concept, Equipment, Character Stats, and NPC sheet.

Magic & Powers (PDF) (free)

This free-form magic system allows you to create new spells, powers, etc. as needed in the game.

Nonhumans (PDF) (free)

Build your own nonhuman characters either for player characters or NPCs.

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